Hi Kat,

Can’t wait to visit the Maille store and stock up on mustard. Sounds amazing. I think our next focus should be art galleries. I think our two biggies should be the Musee d’Orsay & Musee de L’Orangerie. However, if we have extra time, I would love to pop over and see the grounds of the Palais-Royal… if only to check out the juxtaposition between the modern art in the courtyard and the beautiful old buildings.

The Musee d’Orsay is supposed to be amazing and is chock full of art from the 19th and 20th century. Because it is housed in an old railway station, I think that will only add to the fun. I have also heard if you show your ticket from the Eurostar you can get a 2 for 1 deal. Sounds good to me.

The next one is definitely on the top of my list: The Musee de L’Orangerie. The top exhibits here are eight of Monet’s huge waterlily canvases called the Nymphéas (Water Lilies). They were painted in the artist’s garden at Giverny and donated to the French state. Monet stipulated that the monumental panels be displayed precisely as they are seen today, in twin oval rooms that surround enraptured viewers with his vision. Sounds like a great place to sit and unwind before we get back to our hectic schedule.

Good luck packing! Can’t wait to see both you and Lauren. Here’s to a month of fun and our big trip to PARIS.

Safe travels.

Sammy Lou xoxoxoxo